You probably arrived here, because you decided to build a chicken coop yourself and now you are looking for great chicken coop ideas to build a great hen house. If you build a chicken coop yourself, there are various things you have to consider. Neverthless you should keep in mind that the more ideas you have the more difficult it might get to build the coop. By the way, it is a great idea to get a chicken coop blueprint. These guides usually come with tons of ideas that can be realized easily. You should not miss to have a look at my Chicken Coop Guides Review.
Below you can find some ideas you might to take into consideration:
Chicken Coop Idea 1: Build A Movable Chicken Coop

The first idea is to build a movable chicken coop. Why do I think that this is a great idea? Simple, you can move the coop around in your yard. You might wonder why you want to do this? One factor is the sun. The direction of the sunlight changes according to the season and trees might block the sunlight in the summer. However, chicken love sun and need sunshine. And I am sure you want to keep your chickens happy, don’t you? By building a movable chicken coop, you can move the coop to the areas which allow maximum sunlight. During cold winter months it is also a great thing to have a movable chicken coop, because when it gets cold, you can move the coop closer to your house.
Chicken Coop Idea 2: Cleaning The Coop

Another chicken coop idea refers to the maintenance. By elevating it some inches off the ground it is getting a lot easier for you to clean up all of the birds droppings. By elevating it about 1-2 inches off the ground it also gets harder for predators to get into the chicken house. Your birds will be a lot safer! And finally, during the hot summer months your hens will have a nice shady area where they can relax.
Chicken Coop Idea 3: Nesting Boxes

I am not sure if you already had this idea… and in the end it is not really a chicken coop idea. It is more a neccessity a lot of people forget about when building a chicken coop: nesting boxes. Right, your hens need a place where they can lay their eggs! Hens need to have nesting boxes in order to be productive. Your house should have ample space for your birds to nest. Of course you also have to be able to access the nesting boxes, because you have to pick up the eggs and clean the boxes from time to time.
Chicken Coop Idea 4: Make Your Coop Fit To Your Living Area

Well, making the chicken coop fit your environment might not be something you have to think about when living in a rural area. However, if you live in the suburbs, this is definitely something to think about. You do not want to upset your neighbors, do you? Having uneasy relations with your neighbors because of your design and color would take a lot of fun out of raising chickens. It is probably a wise decision to make your coop eye pleasing to your neighbors and keep them happy as well.
DIY chicken coop plans. These are just some chicken coop ideas out of many. You might get more inspired by having a look at the chicken coop ideas which can be found in Easy Do It Yourself Chicken Coop Plans. Have a look at the website, I am sure you won’t regret it.
Tags: best, building, Chicken Coop Idea, coops, first
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